Transportation, Tubing, and Margaritas

Yes, I'm alive!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Oh Loudon County, How Might Ye Grow???

With horses tails, and farms, open-air, or with houses all in-a-row?

With Loudon County, VA's Board of Supervisors shifting back and forth of "PRO GROWTH" and "I LOVE FARMS/HATE SPRAWL/GET OUT OF MY COUNTY" it is interesting that the tally was so close in a vote on a compromise to limit growth in the rural west part of the county. But oh-my!

What exactly was the vote on?

-->Limiting growth to larger lot sizes....5-10 acres

What do bigger lots mean?

-->Less density.

What is a characteristic of less-dense transportation?

-->Not transit friendly.

Are people in Loudon all commuting to DC anyways?

-->Well, maybe at least to Fairfax County.

Well...the whole thing may go to the silt pond yet...90 minutes after the vote was successful, they put a hold on the actions pending a legal assessment.

An observation made by the good ole WP:

-->The law may have been purposefully structured weakly so that they could tell the farm-lovin constituents that "they tried" but that it was the courts fault for overturning it, not theirs...while still getting their campaign contributions from the developers.

Says one developer:

"A taking is occurring here in this county. It's a taking of private property, which is destroying part of the value of our property. It has to be stopped. And we will, by God's grace, we will stop you."

Don't worry, they still want your campaign contributions...something will be done.


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