Transportation, Tubing, and Margaritas

Yes, I'm alive!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Texas! Tubing! Fun! Adventure!

So Slice informed me today that the city of New Braunfels is trying to outlaw Jell-O shots on the river by outlawing containers less than 5oz that contain alcohol. I can't say I have been one for Jell-O shots since the waning days of college (too many adventures in barfing) but I do enjoy creating them. What I love even more is the people who go "the extra mile" in tubing drink offerings and packaging. If they go through the effort then by all means let them go...I'll always be along to pick up the plastic later.

In all is probably a good idea. Jello shots should really be at least 6 oz anyways.

On the the ADVENTURE part of the post. Slice has been doing some tubing Adventure! research and came across this. So the article content (how could tubing strippers not be funny...I accidentally strip when I tube all the time - damn bowties) was pretty entertaining in itself considering that no stripping really took place, but what I really enjoyed were the various commments that readers had made at the end such as this one by "da truuf":

One day, common sense and reason will rule and the religious zealouts will be history… It’s already happening…No more fear and persecution at the hands of the ignorant..Science will rule as it should..Gimmee back my freedom… There’s nothing wrong with the human body…There’s something wrong with taking the life of a human in the name of religion like you guys are doing all over the world.. Quit complaining about boobs and clean up your own morals first…


...most of these tubers are mostly tourist who are only there for a few days and they disrespect the locals by make life miserable for the people who live by the river with their loudness at all hours, by leaving their trash and by urinating in their yards.

pfttt..yards??? Those must be the respectful ones...try the river of pee! If you don't want to live on the river where crazy graduate students run up and down your stairs and take trash then I'll trade with you!


Simple solution: Outlaw alcohol on the river. People said it would ruin Galveston tourism when they did it. Guess what? It didn’t happen!! Galveston tourism is booming.

"BOOMING" ay? How many people visit the plastic rainforest now? I guess if it increases from 2 people to 4 people per year that are required to drive straight through there and park for their cruise ship then that would be a huge percent increase think that speaks for itself mostly.

Or maybe the stripper article was used as a distraction for the problems that our country was having keepin' da peace over on the other side of the world?

Strippers are evil doers. Of course, nothing wrong with checking out the hot little high school girls wearing a set of strings purchased from Target stores. It amazes me—-Lebanese children are blown to bits this morning and the newspapers reports extensively about off duty strippers.

Ima Stripper finally got it right:
So let me get this straight: a bunch of strippers went floatin’; no one drowned, they kept their clothes on (like most other people, us strippers aren’t itchin’ to work outside the workplace, especially if you’re not compensated) it was hot out, and jello shots are going to be banned on the river… why is this news????


At 9:17 PM, Blogger R3dcurlz said...

Six ounces for sure!

Thought I hate Jell-O shots, too.

I guess this mean no Carbombs either? Not that I've ever had a good one of those outside a bar. And I've tried.

I bought a cooler today. So we're good to go.

Tuuuuuuuuuubing, here we come!!


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